Synergy ParentVUE

Synergy Education PLatform
Synergy Education PLatform
In our effort to continue promoting and supporting student and educator success, we've partnered with Synergy Education. Synergy's secure mobile app and parent portal, ParentVUE, provides information about your student’s progress including class grades, attendance, and assessments. ParentVUE is also used to register your student(s) for the school year.
ParentVUE Mobile App for Android (Google Play)
ParentVUE Mobile App for iOS (App Store)
Helpful Tools
Helpful Tools
- Online Registration Walk-through (Video)
- Using the ParentVUE mobile app (Video)
- ParentVUE Troubleshooting/Tip Sheet
- ParentVUE User Guide (PDF)
- ParentVUE FAQs
Recursos Utiles
Recursos Utiles
- Comenzar Con Synergy ParentVUE (Video)
- Tutorial de ParentVUE (PDF)
- ParentVUE Preguntas Frequentes