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TK & K Registration

Pre-registration is now open

Pre-registration is now open

All families who pre-register for Transitional Kindergarten at PGUSD will be accommodated at either Forest Grove Elementary or Robert Down Elementary.
Elementary students will be assigned a school based on their address within the district.
  • Homes from the north side of Sinex Avenue to the shore should pre-register for Robert Down Elementary School.
  • Homes from the south side of Sinex Avenue to and including Pebble Beach should pre-register for Forest Grove Elementary School.
The transitional kindergarten (TK) class size maximum is 24 students, which is the allowable class size maximum for all TK programs in the State of California. In the event enrollment exceeds 48 students district-wide, a third TK classroom will be opened. The location of the additional TK classroom may result in some students attending TK at a school other than their neighborhood school site. In such cases, students will have the option to return to their neighborhood school the following year, for kindergarten. 
Pre-registration is intended to help us in planning for the next school year by providing approximate enrollment numbers, which help with staffing and facilities-related decisions.
Registration does not officially open until May, 2025, at which time parents will be informed of the school in which their child has been enrolled.
You are encouraged to join us on March 26th, 2025, from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., for our TK Parent Information Night to learn more about our TK program and what to expect for next year. Please check the district calendar for more information about this event.
Please help us by pre-registering your child below at your designated neighborhood school. 

Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Parent Orientation Recorded March 13, 2024

Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Parent Orientation Recorded March 13, 2024

Audio issues resolved at approximately 2:15 minutes into the video

TK Age Requirements

TK Age Requirements

  • In 2024–25, children are eligible for TK if they turn five (5) between September 2 and June 2 - inclusive of these dates.
  • In 2025–26, TK is available to all children who will have their fourth (4th) birthday by September 1 (including on September 1) of the school year.

All families who pre-register for Transitional Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year within PGUSD will be accommodated.

Board Policy 5111.1 requires enforcement of the residency requirement.