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Big 5

The Big Five is a common emergency plan adopted by all Monterey County school districts and law enforcement agencies. Created by San Mateo County's Coalition for Safe Schools and Communities, it provides five immediate action responses in any given emergency: Shelter in Place; Drop, Cover, and Hold On; Secure Campus; Lockdown/Barricade; and Evacuation.
The Big Five has become the cornerstone of emergency response for Monterey County’s schools. Versions of The Big Five are available for administrators, school staff, and the community, as well as multiple resources for engaging school community members. 
Learn about The Big Five below and find resources for school administrators and teachers.

The Big Five Immediate Action Emergency Response Packets

Shelter in Place is implemented to isolate students and staff from the outdoor environment and prevent exposure to airborne contaminants or outside threats. It is appropriate for external chemical releases, fire in the community, hazardous material spills, unhealthy air quality outside, or dangerous wildlife on or near campus.
Drop, Cover, and Hold On is the immediate action taken in the event of an earthquake or explosion and protects students and staff from flying and falling debris. It is an appropriate action for earthquakes and explosions. Depending on the incident, it may be followed with Evacuation.
Secure campus is implemented when a threat of violence or police action in the surrounding community requires precautionary measures to ensure school safety. This response is considered appropriate for a potential threat of violence in the surrounding community or law enforcement activity in the surrounding community.
Lockdown/Barricade is implemented when the imminent threat of violence or gunfire is identified on the campus or the school is directed to do so by law enforcement. During Lockdown/Barricade, students are to remain in designated classrooms or lockdown locations at all times. This response is considered appropriate for gunfire or a threat of extreme violence outside the classroom.
Evacuation is implemented when conditions make it unsafe to remain in the building. This action provides for the orderly movement of students and staff along prescribed routes from inside school buildings to a designated outside area of safety. This response is considered appropriate for bomb threats, chemical accidents, explosions or threats of explosions, fires, or earthquakes.

School Safety Plans by Site

Each Safe School Plan contains immediate crisis response protocols for a variety of emergencies including active-shooter events.  They are updated annually by the site Safe School Committee, vetted through the school site council and presented to the Monterey County Office of Education on the first of March each year.
Run, Hide, Fight

Run, Hide, Fight

All teachers and administrators have been trained on strategies and procedures in case of an armed intruder. Beginning 2019 school year, this training along with BIG FIVE and School Emergency Guidelines will be expanded to support staff and substitute teachers.