- Departments
Reporting and Accountability
State And federal reporting and accountability
State And federal reporting and accountability
Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant:
- 2023-24 Expenditure Report(s)
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) provides funding for afterschool and summer school enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through sixth grade.
Expanded learning means before school, after school, summer, or intersession learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences. It is the intent of the Legislature that expanded learning programs are pupil-centered, results driven, include community partners, and complement, but do not replicate, learning activities in the regular schoolday and school year
PGUSD ELOP Expenditure Plan Summary:
- Summer Adventure Camp with City of Pacific Grove
- Before and After School Recreation Program Support
- Additional Summer Enrichment Programs (Elementary School Sites)
- ELOP Plan Narrative
Educator Effectivenesss Block Grant:
Coaching and mentoring of staff serving in an instructional setting and beginning teacher or administrator induction, including, but not limited to, coaching and mentoring solutions that address a local need for teachers that can serve all pupil populations with a focus on retaining teachers as well as offering structured feedback and coaching systems organized around social-emotional learning, including, but not limited to, promoting teacher self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationships, and responsible decision-making skills; improving teacher attitudes and beliefs about one’s self and others; and supporting learning communities for educators to engage in a meaningful classroom teaching experience
Programs that lead to effective, standards-aligned instruction and improve instruction in literacy across all subject areas, including English language arts, history-social science, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and computer science
Assembly Bill (AB) 181 (Committee on Budget/2022) added the preschool learning foundations to the list of subject areas. Additionally, AB 181 added language that allowed the Educator Effectiveness Funds (EEF) to be utilized for coursework that would allow existing staff to become credentialed, fully credentialed for their assignment, or meet the requirements of subdivision (g) of Section 48000
Practices and strategies that reengage pupils and lead to accelerated learning
Strategies to implement social-emotional learning, trauma-informed practices, suicide prevention, access to mental health services, and other approaches that improve pupil well-being
Practices to create a positive school climate, including, but not limited to, restorative justice; training around implicit bias; providing positive behavioral supports; multitiered systems of support; transforming a school site’s culture to one that values diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds; and preventing discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation based on actual or perceived characteristics, including disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, language, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation
Strategies to improve inclusive practices, including, but not limited to, universal design for learning, best practices for early identification, and development of Individualized Education Programs for individuals with exceptional needs
Instruction and education to support implementing effective language acquisition programs for English learners, which may include integrated language development within and across content areas, as well as building and strengthening capacity to increase bilingual and biliterate proficiency
New professional learning networks for educators not already engaged in an education-related professional learning network to support the requirements of subdivision (c)
Instruction, education, and strategies to incorporate ethnic studies curricula adopted pursuant to Education Code Section (EC §) 51226.7 into pupil instruction for grades 7 to 12, inclusive
- Instruction, education, and strategies for certificated and classified educators in early childhood education or childhood development
Arts, Music Discretionary Block Grant:
Arts Music in Schools (AMS):
Arts education program" includes (but is not limited to) instruction and training, supplies, materials, and arts educational partnership programs for instruction in dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts including folk art, painting, sculpture, photography, craft arts, creative expression including graphic arts and design, computer coding, animation, music composition, ensembles, script writing, costume design, film, and video.
2023-24 Annual Report
Obtaining standards-aligned professional development and acquire instructional materials
Obtaining instructional materials and professional development aligned to best practices for improving school climate, including training on de-escalation and restorative justice strategies, digital literacy, physical education, and learning through play
Developing diverse book collections and obtaining culturally relevant texts
Paying for operational costs, including, but not limited, retirement and health care cost increases
Arts Music in Schools (AMS):
Arts education program" includes (but is not limited to) instruction and training, supplies, materials, and arts educational partnership programs for instruction in dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts including folk art, painting, sculpture, photography, craft arts, creative expression including graphic arts and design, computer coding, animation, music composition, ensembles, script writing, costume design, film, and video.
2023-24 Annual Report