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Measure D - Series B

PGUSD issued Series B of the 4 part Measure D series in 2024.  This Series authorized PGUSD $6.5 million for projects associated with Measure D, Series B Reprioritization list.  

Generally, Series B Projects include
  • HVAC Mechanical removal and replacement of systems at Forest Grove Elementary School and Robert H. Down Elementary School
  • Districtwide focus on energy efficiency projects such as building envelope modifications, lighting (interior and exterior retrofit to LED), stadium lighting retrofit, plumbing and sewer projects.
  • Electrical Service upgdares at Pacific Grove High School
Specific Site Projects
  • Pacific Grove High School continuation from summer 2023 of building wing roof, gutter and exterior paint
  • Forest Grove Elementary continuation from summer 2023 of building wing roof, gutter and exterior paint
  • Forest Grove Elementary building signage and wayfinding
  • Robert H. Down Elementary building signage and wayfinding 
  • Robert H. Down Elementary hallway flooring
  • Pacific Grove Middle School building signage and wayfinding 
  • Community High School building signage and wayfinding 
ABM Agreement

ABM Agreement

The District Administration has been working to develop an actionable plan that moves PGUSD toward district wide efficiency of resources, and the introduction of a higher level of indoor air quality in our schools.
  • March 2023 the District initiated a no cost Preliminary Assessment (PA) for all District facilities with the ABM Building Solutions, LLC
  • June 2023 the District then entered into a Board approved Master Development Agreement (MDA) to finalize all project scope, fiscal programming and operational cost savings estimates.
  • The District finalized the work with ABM Group by selecting scope of work that coincides with the Measure D Expenditure Plan and produced the most operational cost savings to PGUSD under Government Code 4217.
  • January 2024 the District held a Public Hearing to approve the ABM energy services agreement contract under Government Code Section 4217 and the energy services contract was approved.
Below are all of the associated Board presentations from ABM. Group, scope of work in the energy services agreement, schedule of values and the ABM Group energy assessment.
PGMS Flex Lab Conversion
RHD Roof
PGHS - Exterior Paint
PGHS - Exterior Paint
RHD - Roofing
RHD TK Flooring
FGE BASRP Flooring