- Departments
Measure D - Series A
K & L Building (PGHS)
K & L Building (PGHS)
Significant termite and dry rot damage exist in the fascia and glulam beam of the K&L Building. The significance of the damage to the structural glulam has resulted in this being a priority project. The District contracted services to a structural engineer, Howard Carter. Plans for repair were received the week of January 11, 2021. Plans call for removing the existing roof above the glue lam to observe any damage to the beam.
Staff believes that the cause of the dry rot damage is the rock roofing material clogging the interior rain gutters resulting in water pooling. In addition to the structural and cosmetic repairs, staff recommends removing and replacing the entire roof, repairing the internal gutter system, and exterior painting of the building.PGHS K&L Building Pre Construction Video
PGHS K&L Building Pre Construction Video
Stadium Field and Track Replacement (PGHS)
Stadium Field and Track Replacement (PGHS)
The field and track were installed in 2009 and had an expected useful life of 8-10 years. The District has been able to extend the existing field’s useful life due to a favorable climate and preventative maintenance plan. Even with a proper preventative maintenance plan, the field’s fibers begin to fail and can no longer keep the rubber fill in place. Near the end of the field’s life, athletes are more prone to injury like concussions.
The stadium track has significant wear on the inside lanes and has surpassed its useful life. Without resurfacing, the wear will cause structural damage to the track resulting in a more significant cost for track replacement.
In anticipation of this project, a committee was put together of athletes, coaches, and administrators. A few members of the public were also asked to be on the committee with no able to volunteer. The athletes and coaches were comprised of multiple girls and boys sports.
Feedback from the group included adding a pad for more cushion, exploring alternative infills to crumb rubber, staying away from the Greenplay infill system at Stevenson School that is really slippery and course, and lining.
Traditional crumb rubber infill, currently used in the stadium, is 100% recycled rubber made mostly from old tires. There have been unproven health and heat concerns with this type of infill. Sand has been added to the recycled rubber and evolved into a field that most Division 1 colleges and professional sports teams choose because of its performance. The industry and each manufacturer offer alternative infills that consist of any combination of cork, coconut husk, non-recycled rubber, and silica sand to eliminate crumb rubber’s safety and heat concerns. The alternative infills tend to decrease athlete’s performance, need a pad added to meet shock absorption of crumb rubber, and require additional water. PGHS stadium currently does not have a water system for the field.
When choosing a turf the committee wanted one that would address the needs of all the sports that PGHS offers, football, soccer, and lacrosse. The main concern with the existing field was the ball roll while playing soccer. From a facilities perspective a turf that can withstand UV, can endure quarterly maintenance, and holds the infill in place for safety were the main priorities.
When moving to an alternative infill a shock pad is recommended to meet impact testing requirements. It also adds to the overall thickness of the field and increased civil costs to adjust the header between the field and track.
The high use of the stadium track and age requires a resurfacing as opposed to a new seal coat. As the track ages and is used the rubber hardens and the depth slowly wears away. A resurfacing adds new rubber and restores the feel of a fresh track prolonging the lifespan of the track’s foundation.
We received three bids for this project with three different systems that are propriety to each company. After comparing all bids and accounting for missing items, different products, and committee recommendations staff is recommending the FieldTurf system for the following reasons.
PGHS Stadium and Track Replacement Project Video
PGHS Stadium and Track Replacement Project Video
Culinary Classroom (PGHS)
Culinary Classroom (PGHS)
Last year, PGHS Culinary purchased replacement ranges, hoods, and exhaust fans using CTIG funding totaling $34,121.57. The existing ranges were installed in 2001 and were in need of major repair for the class to function. In addition, the existing ranges and hoods were located in the center of the room blocking the line of sight on students and creating classroom management issues.
For this project, the ranges and roods will be moved to the exterior walls of the classroom and opening up the center of the room. The new equipment transforms the class into a Culinary Arts room from a Home Economics room.
PGHS Culinary Project Video
PGHS Culinary Project Video
Intercom, Bell, and CLock System Replacement (FG/PGHS)
Intercom, Bell, and CLock System Replacement (FG/PGHS)
The existing clock and bell portion of the system has completely failed. Staff contracted with a repair service to have the system repaired. Upon inspection, Maintenance diagnosed that the system’s front-end controls need replacing, and about 75% of the classroom clocks. Repair costs were estimated to be about 75% of replacement costs. The system is approximately 15 years old.
The AMS system integrates with the new Cisco Meraki network installed by AMS last year. It is more than a bell, clock, and speaker system and addresses parents and staff’s safety concerns from two years ago. The AMS system provides solutions like panic buttons on desktop or mobile phone to push out to the site, broadcasts can be vocal (pre-recorded) and displayed via digital signage, automatically lock doors (not in place), notify emergency personnel, and staff and students can respond to the emergency system via IP phone or mobile phone. This system does require a 5-year license that covers five district sites when their systems are upgraded.
Replace Grounds Mowers
Replace Grounds Mowers
The grounds department has two front-end mowers that are 20 years old. The wide-area John Deere 1600 is non-operational because the front deck that holds some blades has structurally failed and can no longer be operated safely. The smaller John Deere 1435 Mower is still in operation but will not handle the mowing load come Spring and Summer. The 1435 has done the job in the late Fall and Winter but does not have the horsepower to keep up during the faster growing seasons. Insignificant horsepower puts a significant strain on the Grounds department that cares for 85 acres amongst two people. We also anticipate that with the added stress combined with age, the machine will break down. The District’s grass fields see considerable use by students and the public and must be cut and maintained correctly.
This item includes the purchase of an equipment trailer to haul the new Toro 7500-D and the replacement mower for the existing John Deere 1435. In addition, the trailer can be used to move other district-owned equipment. Using a trailer vs “roading” the equipment to each site prolongs the life of the equipment avoiding wear and tear on tires, decks, etc. from an uneven road. Last it will save the District money when rental equipment has to be moved site to site.
PAC Stage & Production Improvements
PAC Stage & Production Improvements
Many of the music and production amenities need replacement to house district productions and concerts.
The scope of the project is to replace or repair stage lighting, sound system, rigging, curtains, and stage. HVAC COVID Replacement or Modifications
HVAC COVID Replacement or Modifications
Staff is seeking approval of this project in response to staff and parent concerns with air filtration upon student return to school. Currently, most of the District’s units can only be outfitted with a maximum of a MERV-8 filter. ASHRAE and CDC recommend a minimum of a Merv-13 filter to catch aerosol droplets of the virus properly.
Staff will propose to the Board for approval solutions for increasing the air quality in the classrooms in response to COVID. Staff will investigate and compare the advantages of an HVAC retrofit, HVAC replacement, UV light filtration, and stand-alone HEPA units.
District-wide Re-Key and Door Hardware Replacement
District-wide Re-Key and Door Hardware Replacement
The current door hardware has been in place over 20 years and a majority of the hardware has reached it’s useful lifespan. Staff has identified high-use areas such as classrooms and front offices doors that need replacing. Low use hardware will remain in place. All doors will be re-keyed and the MS and HS gym’s will have automatic locks installed. This project will encompass all the District’s sites.
David Ave Driveway Improvements
David Ave Driveway Improvements
The parking lot and driveway areas in front of Community HS and Monterey Bay Charter have significant damage from potholes and tree roots. Over the last several years damaged areas have been repaired but the lifespan of the asphalt is at it’s end and needs replacing.
The project will consist of removal of the existing driveway and parking lots and the placement of new aggregate base, Ashphalt, and striping.
David Ave Roofing and Gutter Replacement
David Ave Roofing and Gutter Replacement
The existing rock roofs are approximately 25 years old and near their useful life. Leaks have developed and the gutter system has begun to fail.
The project scope will be the replacement of the existing roof and gutter system.
David Avenue Main Sewer Line Repairs
David Avenue Main Sewer Line Repairs
The main sewer line serving four of the five wings on campus has damage from tree roots causing buckling at some of the joints. This leads to several back-ups a month that are cleared by the maintenance team.
The project scope is to replace sections of the damaged VCP sewer line and possibly replace the entire line.
David Avenue Playground Structure Replacement
David Avenue Playground Structure Replacement
The current playground structures for the site are over 30 years old and can no longer facilitate student play safely.
The project scope is to replace and combine the play structures and add a box for Engineered Wood FIber Fall Material serving the lower four wings of campus.

Robert Down Playground Structure Replacement
Robert Down Playground Structure Replacement
The current playground located adjacent to the baseball field is near the end of its useful life. A new structure with fiber fall material will address safety issue of normal wear and tear of the existing structure.
The project scope is to replace the current structure, add Engineered Wood Fiber fall material, and make the area more accessible for all students.

Exterior Painting & Dry Rot Repair (PGMS)
Exterior Painting & Dry Rot Repair (PGMS)
Maintenance Vans/Trucks/Trailers